Game Idea Research

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Based off of my idea generation last week I have decided for now to go with my FPS game idea.

My idea for this game is not a typical AAA FPS game, but rather more of an old school FPS game, kind of an arcade game where the character is static and you move the crosshair around to shoot enemies. I am getting inspiration for this game from the game 'Time Crisis' released in 1995 released on arcades and other platforms by BANDAI Namco. Here is an article I used for my research. (

Now in terms of mechanics I have thought of about three of them.

First mechanic is Citizens. I have touched on this mechanic briefly in my Game Brainstorm blog post but here I will go into more detail. The idea is to have enemies moving across the screen that you can shoot but every now and again to break up the pace, civilians will pop up that you must not shoot otherwise you will lose. Also there will be times where the enemies will have civilians kidnapped and you have to precisely shoot the enemy in order to save the civilian. 

The second mechanic is hiding behind cover. Think of 'Gears of War' and how at times you have to hide behind cover in order to avoid damage, this is the same kind of idea I want to put in my own game. If at any point there are too many enemies on screen for you to hit you can choose to hide behind cover, the player will always be standing in one spot but there will also be cover there just in case it is ever needed.

Lastly, the third mechanic is lives and replenishable lives. This is pretty self-explanatory but the player will have three lives showcased in the top right corner shown as three hearts. If the player is to take any damage the lives will go down and once the player reaches zero lives the game ends, but in order to keep the player going for longer, some enemies will be able to drop some hearts that when the enemy is killed the heart will drop and the player will shot said heart in order to replenish his life.


  1. Hey Tudor, looking handsome today. I really like your idea for this FPS and if you're inspired by Gears Of War then this is bound to be a fire game. Also I like how it sounds like an arcade shooter with avoiding shooting civilians is very nice. I will not do that I will just keep blasting. Anyways great idea man and I look forward to playing it. Lots of love xoxo

    1. lookin mighty handsome yourself kind sir ;)

  2. Hellio Tudor, I have come to give you some feedback on your game idea!

    I must say, despite the generic idea of a FPS, your implementation of it is rather unique. Having a shooter that makes you stay stationary rather than moving is definitely something else during these times where movement is emphasized heavily in the shooters of today.

    One thing I’d like to ask though is if lives are necessary. I’d argue that for the style of game you are making having a life system will go against it fundamentally. Since I’m assuming there’s gonna be a points system involved, that means skill will be involved. A life system can provide an unequal playing field because of this life system.

    Here is a suggestion also. Make the cover mechanic have more purpose. Instead of just using it as a place that the player can use to hide, you can make it so that grenades damage you unless you are in cover. That is if you’re going to add in grenades at all.

    Hope this feedback was helpful! Have a good day!

  3. Hey Tudor,

    I have to say, I really like the idea of making an fps game I think it will be quite unique to some of the other ongoing projects at the moment. The fixed position really reminds me of those games you would play in an arcade where the controller is a replicated weapon. Have you considered maby adding different weapons or camos as unlockables for the players? Or even a menu system that maby the player could keep track of their stats or scores and try to beat them. I like the idea of the cover system, makes the player have to think of their feet.

  4. Hey Tudor

    I must say I love your idea so far. I love the idea of a First Person Shooter game. they are personally one of my favourite games to play and I know you like playing other first person shooter games like Call Of duty so I believe you have a good understanding on how to make a good fps game

    I must ask tho, for the life system. Is there a health bar and then you lose a life or is it so you lose a life if your hit a certain amount of times. I would love to know about this idea and I am really intrugied of your idea so far

    Also a suggestion. When you are making your map I would love to see a few obstacles maybe to help give an advantage to the player. Help them reach different views or make it more difficult to make them move around

    Other than that I love the idea an I can not wait to see where this idea brings you in the future. Best of luck for the rest of the semester. Love Luke <3


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